Thursday, March 23, 2006

MILE HIGH COMICS presents THE BEAT at A FOR ALAN, Pt. 1: The Alan Moore interview

MILE HIGH COMICS presents THE BEAT at A FOR ALAN, Pt. 1: The Alan Moore interview: "As far I'm concerned, the two poles of politics were not Left Wing or Right Wing. In fact they're just two ways of ordering an industrial society and we're fast moving beyond the industrial societies of the 19th and 20th centuries. It seemed to me the two more absolute extremes were anarchy and fascism. This was one of the things I objected to in the recent film, where it seems to be, from the script that I read, sort of recasting it as current American neo-conservatism vs. current American liberalism. There wasn't a mention of anarchy as far as I could see. The fascism had been completely defanged." - Alan Moore


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